Cork Lower Harbour Main Drainage Contract D – Cobh Networks Project Update
Sorensen are nearing completion of the Cobh Main Drainage project following completion of the main pipelaying works. To date over 7km’s of pipelines, including gravity sewers & pumped rising mains, have been installed in varying ground conditions and ranging in size from 225mm to 1050mm and at depths of up to 6. In excess of 100no. manholes & concrete chambers have been constructed, over 3km’s of electrical ducting was installed to improve the electrical supply, 5no. pumpstations were constructed at various locations throughout Cobh and 5no. marine outfalls were installed. Over the next few months Sorensen shall commence commissioning the new pipelines & pumpstations. We will be intercepting the raw sewage entering the harbour and in turn providing a safe & clean harbour for the people of Cobh & Cork. Well done to the Sorensen site team for delivering an excellent job for our client Irish Water.