
Carrigtohill WWTP

Carrigtohill WWTP

Client: Irish Water

General Description

The design of the new Waste Water Treatment plant provides for a 30,000PE (Population Equivalent) loading with future increases to 60,000PE. A provision for storm holding tanks in excess of 1,500m3 is also included. The overall volume of the water retaining RC structures will be in excess of 9,000m3.

A steel frame cladded structure of approx. 1,200m2 will contain the inlet and dewatering works. Following detailed geotechnical design, 30,000m3 of stone was imported to achieve a viable formation level for the various structures. Ground surcharging was required to increase the bearing capacity of the ground prior to construction.

  • The construction of 140m2 admin/control building complete with laboratory and conference facilities
  • Construction of 2 no. outlying pump stations and storm holding tanks.
  • 12,000 m3 dredging for the installation of the 1,295m long, 710mm diameter, HDPE marine outfall pipe and diffuser to the Slatty waters.
  • Over 10,500m3 of RC water retaining structures.